NO, anyone can suffer from urinary incontinence. As we grow older we are not as strong and active as we used to be. Walking takes a little longer and putting on cloths gets a little harder and our bladder may get a little weaker.
What is true is that the odds of developing incontinence increases with age. There are several reasons for this:
- Muscles and other tissues involved with urination weaken with age which decreases control.
- Older men are more likely to have prostate problems, such as an enlarged prostate which can block urine flow.
- Older women are more likely to have a history of pelvic floor disorders or vaginal prolapse as a result of childbirth or hormonal changes of menopause.
- Women suffer from what is called stress incontinence which is when the urethral or pelvic floor muscles are somehow weakened or damaged. Most often this occurs during childbirth, but other factors, such as diabetes, radiation treatments or pelvic surgeries like a hysterectomy, can also weaken the muscles that support the pelvic organs and hold urine in the bladder. When the muscles lose strength, urine exits the bladder when a women laughs, sneezes or exercises vigorously.
It is a myth that incontinence is an expected part of growing older. Incontinence isn’t normal and reflects an underlying problem. Incontinence is a symptom.